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"Use Your Finger" phrase was created by Jackie The Joke Man Martling. We are using that generic phrase as our advertising brand with a big thank you to Jackie. Jackie's Joke Line telephone number is (516) 922-9463 Contact us through KittenChat on bottom right

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Joke 1. Submitted July 29, 2023 Original joke written by Mike Hawk. If you want to cite the source of this joke, please tell your friends that is was written by Mike Hawk.
One of the boys was injured playing soccer at Christian homeschool today, the young lad slipped and was cut. The school nurse examined the gash, but there was no puss coming out. The nurse received so many concerned texts from parents that she decided to respond in one group text and explained that she had examined the boy's gash and that is was not pussy. We had to fire her today.

Free Ad 1: Mint Snuff is an all mint chew that is a safe and healthy alternative to chewing tobacco. Joke 2. Joke re-write by Mike Hawk
Girlfriend left a note on my fridge door "This isn't working" but everything in there was still cold